Home:ALL Converter>SuSE Linux Enterprise 12: Difference between /etc/hostname and yast2 > Hostnames?

SuSE Linux Enterprise 12: Difference between /etc/hostname and yast2 > Hostnames?

Ask Time:2016-01-28T16:16:14         Author:tschlein

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I'm right now setting up a new SuSE Linux Enterprise 12 server. Can somebody explain, what difference there is between /etc/hostname and yast2 > Hostnames? Both seem to have different contents and changes in one place do not seem to have an effect on the other place.


Author:tschlein,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35056060/suse-linux-enterprise-12-difference-between-etc-hostname-and-yast2-hostnames